Nakhanov Kuanyshbek Sabyrovich
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Address: 11 Vatutina St., Building No. 8.
Phone: 8 (778) 3036677
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Address: 11 Vatutina St., Building No. 8.
Phone: 8 (778) 3036677
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
►Faculty staff
►Department history
The department was established by the order of the Rector of SKSU No. 274 dated 08/17/2006 "On the formation of educational departments" by reorganizing the Department of Physical Education into the Department of Physical Education for Humanitarian and Pedagogical Specialties.
Currently, the department employs 8 teachers, including 1 candidate of pedagogical Sciences Nakhanov K.S., senior teachers: Yesimbekov K. A., Balabekov M. S., Kadyrov E. K., Sabituly N., Zhumatai A. E., Sheraliev A., Mambetov K.K.
►General information
The department operates in the specialties of the following faculties: "Culture and Art", "Philology", "Historical and Pedagogical" and the higher school "Scientific and Natural Science Pedagogy". The department conducts practical classes on the subject of "physical culture" with full-time students of the 1st and 2nd courses.
The sports base of the department is partially equipped with the necessary sports equipment and equipment for high-quality training and sports competitions.
The tasks of physical training of future specialists are solved in physical education classes by studying theoretical and practical issues, studying sections of the program on practical sports, taking into account future specialties, using technical training equipment - simulators, organizing additional, individual classes in professionally applied physical education. The Cooper test and the Harvard Step Test are used to determine the functional indicators of students' ability to work. According to the exam results, it is possible to evaluate the functioning of the student's body, deviations in the state of health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as individually regulate physical activity.
Based on preliminary studies, adjustments will be made to the technology of professionally applied physical education, taking into account the regulatory requirements of the Presidential tests.
The teachers of the department try to teach students to be honest about their work, community service, tools and equipment, and also participate in landscaping.
Physical education classes promote the development of ethics of behavior and communication in groups and collectives.
The department has the following sports facilities for training and leisure activities:
- football field 10 x 64 m
- circular running track 4 x 400 m
- 6 x 4 m long jump area
Gyms - 18 x 36 m; (Buildings No. 8, No. 10)
The sports base of the department is partially equipped with the necessary sports equipment and equipment for high-quality training and sports competitions.
In the course of physical education classes, educational and methodical classes are held with the Department of Physical Culture in order to improve the methods of teaching and educating students, as well as to improve the methodological level of the teaching staff.
The topic of research papers has been developed for students who have been released from physical education for medical reasons or assigned to a special medical group.
Based on the study of physical fitness of first and second year students of the university, models of physical education of UCU, the relationship between physical fitness and student health have been developed.
Students' independent work on the subject of "Physical culture" consists of 2 parts: theoretical and practical. The first part examines the issues of the essence, goals, objectives, means of physical education, its role in the social life of society, the concept of a healthy lifestyle, basic information about the human body and the impact of physical exercise on it.
The department has developed a map of the educational process, which includes all types of practical activities of students and is evaluated according to a modular rating system.
It includes the Cooper test, the Presidential Test, standards for general physical fitness, volleyball and basketball techniques, standards for athletics and football.
The department has a work plan for the department, a plan for educational, methodological and research work, a plan for sports, mass and recreational work, a plan for advanced training of teaching staff, and a plan for educational work on the quality management system, approved at a meeting of the department.
1. As part of the implementation of the program "Striving for the Future: Spiritual Rebirth", volleyball competitions among South Ural State University students were held at the sports complex on Vatutina St., organized by the M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Arts in order to promote and implement the President's Message. The competition was attended by teams from the Faculties of Pedagogy and Culture, the Faculty of Philology and the Higher School of Natural Sciences. The winners were awarded with certificates. The teachers of the department, who judged the competitions, presented the protocols of the games, the applications of the teams, the results of the games and reports on the competitions.
2. As part of the program "Looking to the future: Spiritual Rebirth", in order to promote and implement the Message of the President of the SKSU named after M. Auezov, mini-football competitions among students of SKSU were held at the sports ground of the academic building No. 8. The competitions were held in a round-robin system, and teams were selected to participate in the university finals. The winners were awarded with special certificates. I believe that this sports competition has fulfilled its mission to promote a healthy lifestyle among teachers and staff, and strengthen their health.
1st place - Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture
II place - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Scientific Pedagogy
III place - Faculty of Philology
3. As part of the program "Future Orientation: Spiritual renewal" by M. Auezov, President's Message, basketball competitions were held at the sports ground of the academic building No. 8.
4. As part of the implementation of the program "Striving for the Future: Spiritual Rebirth" and the Address of the Head of State, a table tennis competition was held among students of the M. Auezov Moscow State University on the sports field of the academic building No. 8. The competition was held in accordance with the approved Rules. The winners were awarded with certificates. The teachers of the department, who judged the competitions, presented the protocols of the games, the applications of the teams, the results of the games and reports on the competitions.
1st place - Faculty of Culture and Sports
II place - Higher School of Natural Sciences and Scientific Pedagogy
III place - Faculty of Philology
IV place - Faculty of History and Pedagogy
5. The program "Future orientation: spiritual renewal", events to promote the Message of the Head of State and the "Kazakh National Games", competitions among university students in the gymnasium of the academic building No. 8 on Vatutina St. The competition was held in a round-robin system of 5 games. The competitions were held in accordance with the established rules of each sport. The competition was attended by teams from the Faculties of Pedagogy and Culture, the Faculty of Philology and the Higher School of Natural Sciences. The winners were awarded with certificates. The teachers of the department, who judged the competitions, presented the protocols of the games, the applications of the teams, the results of the games and reports on the competitions.
1st place - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Scientific Pedagogy
2nd place - Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture
III place – Faculty of Philology
6. A chess tournament was held in the student dormitory No. 1 of SKSU under the program "Formation of Kazakh patriotism and national unity, tolerance and realization of the national dream" within the framework of M. Auezov's movement "Mangilik El". 2 boys and 1 girl took part in the competition. The winners were awarded with certificates. The teachers of the department, who judged the competitions, presented the protocols of the games, the applications of the teams, the results of the games and reports on the competitions.

Volleyball competitions dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov and the public association "Zheltoksan - 86 Tauelsizdik tany".