
«Step into the Future»isanopencuratorialhour

10/18/2017 year3-course students, the PIK-15-15r group 5B090600 specialty «Cultural-Leisure Work», the Department «Cultural and Social  Activity»UKGU named after M.Auezov held an open curatorial «Step into the Future».«Actual problems of the spiritually intellectual development of the youth of Kazakhstan in the context of the Message of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in the development program for 2050. Teachers and students of the department attended the open curatorial hour.
Master, senior lecturer Gubaidullin A.U. acquainted those present with the strategic program of social and spiritual development of the young generation of independent Kazakhstan. It was noted the importance of reviving the culture of the nation and the need to bring it to the masses, to raise the intellectual level of student youth and create all conditions for spiritual revival. At the end of the curatorial hour the video «Bolashakadam» was demonstrated.


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