
Өнер (Art)

The head of the Department:
Tleubaeva Balzhan Seidramanova,
a candidate of pedagogical sciences, an associate professor, a laureate of republican  and international competitions, a manager of ensemble.
Address: Shymkent city, the South Kazakhstan State M. Auezov, University, building   №8, room 500
Phone:  (8 7252) 36-71-21
►Teachers' staff

В028-Arts and humanities

6В02130 - Choreography

In 1985, the Institute of Culture. Al-Farabi for the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan began recruiting students in the specialization "The head of the amateur choreographic collective", which is now the center for the training of specialized personnel in the direction of choreographic art.
As an independent structural unit of this institute, the department began to function in November 1989. Graduate of the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, excellent student of education and cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tleubaev Seraly Shabaevich was elected as the head of the department.
From 2000-2003, the department was headed by Ph.D., senior lecturer Azhibekova Zaure Bikenbaevna.
From 2003 to the present, the department is headed by the best teacher of the University-2010, the holder of the Bolashak international scholarship, Honorary Worker of Education, the medal “Y. Altynsarina” of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tleubaeva Balzhan Seydramanovna was awarded.
         Currently, the department provides training in the following specialties: 6В02120 - "Directing" specialization: "Director-actor of theater and cinema." 5В040900 - “Choreography” bachelors of art. And also, since 2017, recruitment for master's programs in the specialty 6M040900 - "Choreography", in the profile and scientific-pedagogical direction for 1, 1,5 and 2 year studies. Upon completion, a master's degree in art history is awarded.
         In 2015, the department of "Choreography" celebrated its 30th anniversary. In honor of the anniversary, the department held an international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Actual issues of our time: culture, history, ideology", the international festival "Dances of the peoples of the world", which was attended by over 20 dance groups from different parts of our Republic, as well as from the Republic of Uzbekistan , Kyrgyzstan, Karakalpakstan. In the framework of this festival, master classes were held from leading domestic and foreign experts in choreographic art. The finale of the festival was a gala concert in honor of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the department "Choreography". The gala concert was attended by the student dance ensemble of the Karakz department, as well as laureates of the festival "Dances of the World", graduates of different years.
         For many years of creative work, the department has trained qualified specialists who today work not only in Kazakhstan, but also outside our country. Graduates of our department celebrate the art of dance and work in all regions of the country and in countries near and far abroad as leaders and choreographers of choreographic ensembles, teachers of choreography, artists of state dance ensembles, managers and producers of dance art. 

Creative links

To improve the pedagogical, choreographic skills of the teaching staff of the department and the performing skills of students, the People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the main choreographer of the state dance ensemble "Uzbekistan" Muminov K.T. was invited to work at the department. The department was provided with methodological assistance by the faculty of choreography of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.Zhurgenova. Master classes were held by the dean of the faculty, associate professor Andosov K.N., honored artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, associate professor Goncharova N.L., honored artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Asylgazinov EA, masters of modern dance of the sister Gulmira and Gulnara Gabbasova in modern dance, the master class was conducted by the choreographer Theater of Modern Dance of Israel, our graduate Erica Tsimbrovskaya.
        The department has repeatedly held continuing education courses for teachers-choreographers and leaders of choreographic groups in the city and region. Were invited: merit. artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of art history, professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Toygan Izim artist of Uzbekistan, leading teacher of the Higher School of Choreography of Uzbekistan Yektibor Norova, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Aigul Kenesovna Kulbekova, head of the department of choreography of Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt-Ata, Associate Professor Gulbanu Ilyubaevna Murzabaeva, Candidate of Art History, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, Dean of the Choreography Department Gulnar Yusupovna Saitova. Senior Lecturer, KazNPU Abaya, Honored Woodpecker of the RK Talant Dzhambulovich Klyshbaev. 

The concept of education

Teaching choreographic art requires the teacher to have wide knowledge in various fields and genres of art - painting, music, sculpture, architecture, stage costume, etc. The constant desire to update dance forms and styles is combined with the obligatory reliance on the traditions of classical dance. Thus, the first principle of choreographic education can be formulated as a unity of innovation and tradition, combined with a wide range of development of all types of art. Great importance is also attached to the principle of intersubject communications, the exchange of educational information, a combination of special subjects with pedagogy and psychology of creativity.
        The future teacher of choreography, representing our country abroad, can not do without studying foreign languages ​​(although the language of dance is understandable to everyone). In addition to knowledge of foreign languages, the culture of communication also includes the development of communication skills, knowledge of the psychology of personality and interpersonal relationships, the “running through” of this knowledge in practical classes for training communication and raising a sensitive culture.
        In our concept of education, there are several more important principles: individualization and a personal approach to learning, the principle of complementarity of personal substructures,
the principle of visualization and imagery in learning,
the principle of combining verbal and non-verbal components of learning,
principle of continuing education,
the principle of consistency in learning.
        All these principles are practically implemented in training, methodologically generalized and theoretically substantiated in a fundamental monograph by the head of the department B.S. Tleubaeva.
As part of the award of the Bolashak International Scholarship, B.S. Tleubaev passed an internship at Moscow State University of Cinematography.
The teaching staff of the Өner department took part in the International ON-LINE conference on the portal "G-GLOBAL Kazakhstan" on the topic "Choreographic education: cooperation, prospects and development"
Creative life of the department
            It is difficult to overestimate the role of our department in such an important event for the cultural life of the South Kazakhstan region as the opening of the regional opera and ballet theater. The Shymkent Theater opened its first season with the premiere of D. Verdi's opera La Traviata. A special place in the premiere was occupied by dances staged by the famous choreographer, head of our department B.S. Tleubaeva. They were occupied by young, promising teachers and students of the department "Choreography". The main dance scenes of the opera were “Gypsy” and “Spanish” dances of the matadors, in which the talented young dancers S. Myrzaev and K. Bimurzaeva soloed. They performed the passion, temperament and sincere emotionality inherent in the dances of these peoples. The choreographer sought to deepen the development of psychological musical drama, to emphasize the content of individual episodes, to clearly convey the feelings and feelings of the characters in the movements. Impressive expressiveness of dance mise-en-scenes, the extraordinary harmony of stage compositions
           Within the framework of the “Week of French Culture in Kazakhstan”, a master class was held at the choreography department with world-class luminaries of contemporary hip-hop style — a dancer, choreographer Jean-Claude Pambeux Vuayak and a dancer Bernard Vuayak Pambet. It is noteworthy that the guests and our students spoke in English and French.
On April 27, 2019, the Өner department held the II International Dance Competition entitled “Dances of the Nations of the World” in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Karakz dance ensemble and International Dance Day, “2019 is the Year of Youth”. The competition was attended by more than 65 ensembles from different countries, including Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kokshetau, Karaganda, Turkestan, Taraz, Aktobe, Almaty, Shymkent and Turkestan regions (aged 6 to 25 years).
04/25/02/2019 the department "Oner" organized advanced training courses in choreography. The courses were conducted by leading specialists of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.Kulbekova and senior teacher Agzamova A.R.
The Өner department is the winner in the nomination “The best department of SKSU named after M. Auezov” according to the results of the 2017-2018 academic year.
The Oner department took the 1st place in the rating of educational programs of universities in Kazakhstan in 2018 under the programs 5B040900 - Choreography and 5B040600 - Directing
Senior lecturers of the Oner department Tambetova Damet Hamzaevna, Turdieva Aziza Azatbekovna, Myrzaev Sanzhar Altynbekovich were awarded with medals and letters of thanks to the 75th anniversary of South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezova. 

The ensemble of dance "Karakoz"

In 1989, at the department of choreography, the folk dance ensemble “Karakz” was created, which included students and young specialists. The ensemble's repertoire includes dances of the peoples of the world, classical, modern and sports ballroom dances. Today, it can be argued that this ensemble is a real creative laboratory of our department and the hallmark of the entire university.
Laureates, nominees and prize winners of a number of prestigious republican and international festivals of creative youth, constant participants in various contests and celebrations, participants in the World Kurultay in Turkestan, members of the Karakz dance ensemble have written and continue to write the brightest lines in the annals of our university.
           At the invitation of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Russia, the “Karakz” dance ensemble visited Moscow with a concert program during the celebrations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
            The performances of our students were so liked by the Moscow audience that next year we were again invited by the embassy to celebrate Nauryz.
            Concerts were given in the Chamber Hall of the House of Music in Moscow and in the Palace of Culture of Zelenograd, Moscow Region.
The dance ensemble "Karakz" took part and won prizes:
- Diplomats of the I Republican competition of Kazakh dance named after Balls Zhienkulova;
The republican television filmed a half-hour special concert program “The ensemble“ Karakz ”is dancing;
- Laureate of the 1st international festival of Turkic-speaking peoples in Turkey (Yalova city);
- Laureate of the I and II Republican festival of students “Zhas Tolkyn”;
- Laureate of the II Republican Competition of Kazakh Dance named after Balls Zhienkulova;
       - Laureate of the I and IV International Festival of Creative Youth “Shabyt”.
       - Laureate of the 1st and 2nd prizes of the 4th Republican competition of Kazakh dance, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Shara Zhienkulova.
At the dance competition "Tansholpan", which was held in support of a healthy lifestyle for the development of dance art among young people in the city of Shymkent, the dance ensemble "Karakz" took first place.
At the republican dance competition “Buran Bel” in the city of Shymkent, among the 14 dance groups the “Karakz” dance ensemble took the 2nd place.
In 2014 SKSU im. M. Auezova at the Faculty of "Pedagogy and Culture", the Department of Choreography and students held a competition between city schools, dedicated to the International Day of Dance and in memory of 2-time champion of Kazakhstan in sports and ballroom dancing Kairat Shagirbaev.
At the republican competition “XII National Delphic Games” the Karakz dance ensemble, which is headed by Ph.D., associate professor BS Tleubaeva, tutor A. Turdieva received a grand prix in the nomination: Folk dance (diploma, gold medals) Stepnogorsk 2016
Soloist of the Karakz dance ensemble Sarsenbek M. 3rd year student PiK-14-9r received the nomination best dancer in the Student of the Year 2016 competition at M. Auezov SKSU and took the second place in the republican contest dedicated to Nursul Topalova Bidin-nury Nұrsulu ”choreographers Tleubaeva BS, Turdieva A.A. Aktobe city.
From November 25, 2016 to January 10, 2017, the Karakz dance ensemble took part in the Sheikh Zayd and Sultan Al-Nahayan Cultural Heritage Festival in the United Arab Emirates of Abu Dhabi. Tleubaeva B.S., Dildebaeva G.R., Myrzaev S.A. and participants of the Karakz dance ensemble - performed at a concert held by the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the UAE dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence. (letters of thanks handed), the ensemble also took part in a concert dedicated to the UAE State Day in Dubai on December 2, 2016.
The dance ensemble “Karakz” a participant in the festival dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Dustirli Oner” which was held in Shymkent became the owners of III place.
In 2017 dance ensemble "Karakz" and "Zhastar" participated in the International festival "Burak bel" of Turkestan and became owners of the second place.
Sarsenbek Marzhan, a 4th year student of “Choreography”, received the “Golden Prize” of the international competition of arts and education “Uly Daryn”, which was held as part of the spiritual renewal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev. As well as leaders and choreographers, head of the department B.S. Tleubaev and A.A. Turdiev was awarded letters of thanks from the creative center "Urker" for their special contribution to the competition.
07.24.12. In 2017, a solemn event was organized in the United Arab Emirates in the city of Dubai dedicated to the 46th anniversary of the founding. The event was held under the name "Carnival of cultures." Representatives of more than 15 countries participated in the carnival. Among them was invited the dance ensemble "Karakz
The regional department of the development of culture and languages ​​on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Astana hosted the festival of dance "Bұraұ bel", which promoted the article of the president "Orientation to the future: spiritual revival". Dance Ensemble "Karakz" ka 

Practice on the specialty 5B040900-Choreography

The department "Choreography" concluded an agreement on the creation of the UNPK. UNPK - educational-scientific-industrial complex. The UNPK of the university and the base enterprise (organization, institution, industry) are created to coordinate their joint activities to train specialists in order to increase the effectiveness of academic and research work, to test and use the results of scientific research, to organize advanced training of employees of the enterprise and teachers as one of the forms integration of education, science and industry. The management of UNPK includes representatives of the university and the base enterprise.
The department has developed training programs for conducting classes on the basis of the UNPK, with the aim of improving the qualifications of the teaching staff, there is an interconnection for conducting classes in majors. At the UNPK bases, students of the department undergo educational, pedagogical, and undergraduate practice.
Professional practice is an obligatory component of the curriculum of higher education. For students, educational practice is one of the most effective ways of practical implementation of the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, acquaintance with some issues of the managerial and organizational nature of the work, the choreographic staff.
Pedagogical practice is the basis for the acquisition of practical skills in teaching choreographic disciplines, the training of trainees in a responsible and professional attitude to teaching, interest and a creative attitude to work.
In the process of undergraduate practice, the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired by students while studying the course “Methods of teaching classical, folk-stage, sports ballroom, historical and everyday, modern dance”, “Pedagogical work with the choreographic collective”, “Fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy ”,“ Organizational and creative work with the choreographic staff ”, etc.
The bases of practices correspond to the profile of the educational program, experienced teachers of the department and representatives of organizations are appointed heads of practices. The organization of professional practice provides for preliminary consultations, acquaintance with the base of practice, the determination of the leaders of the practice, participation in the base of practice, preparation of reporting documentation. The results of professional practice are considered at the meetings of the special commission created by the order of the head of the department, are reflected in the minutes, practice diaries, reviews of the leaders of the practices, in the student books and transcripts. The direct participation of students in the life of the organization allows us to consolidate practical skills that meet the qualification requirements of a pedagogical specialist. Staying in a professional environment, students master, first of all, the methodology of organizing stage work. Leading teachers of the department developed practical programs, educational and methodological recommendations on the organization of professional practice.
Our graduates
Many of them became masters of their craft, received public recognition and high titles of laureates of various competitions, honored cultural workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academic ranks and degrees.
Practice shows that the graduates of the department are in demand by the cultural and leisure, general educational and specialized institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, a high level of their professional training is invariably noted.
Many of our graduates work as leaders and choreographers of ensembles, teachers of dance companies in foreign countries:
USA - Natalia Uzhvak, E. Tsimbrovskaya.
Greece - R. Chalukidi, O. Tkachenko
Germany - F. Goff, T. Ackst, N. Wolf
UAE - M. Bizhanova, J. Abuova
Russia - R. Medetova, V. Narezhnaya, D. Pak, I. Bayda, M. Tsybulko, E. Kolotchenkova, A. Knysh, N. Kim, E. Noskova.
But, of course, most of our graduates work in Kazakhstan.
Karlygash Aitkalieva - Ph.D. Chair of Choreography Utemisova.
Gulnar Mambetova is the chief choreographer of the “Aku” dance ensemble of the Aktobe Regional Philharmonic.
Abdrasul Yesekeyev is the artistic director of the Shalkyma dance ensemble of the Astana Regional Philharmonic.
Zaure Azhibekova - Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the chief choreographer of the Kazyna Dance Ensemble of the Regional Philharmonic Society (Shymkent).
Urlyaim Anarkulova - Head. Department of Choreography, Regional Social Innovation University.
Gulbanu Murzabaeva - Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Choreography, Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt-Ata.
Zhanna Orynbasarova - famous Kazakhstan pop, jazz singer
Ruslan Salpagarov is a well-known event organizer, actor, presenter.

Our graduates

Many of them became masters of their work, received public recognition and high titles of laureates of various competitions, honored cultural figures of the RK, academic ranks and degrees.

Practice shows that graduates of the department are in demand by cultural-leisure, general education and specialized institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, a high level of their professional training is invariably noted.

Many of our graduates work as heads and choreographers of ensembles, teachers of dance companies of foreign countries:

USA - Natalia Uzhvak, E. Tsimbrovskaya.

Greece - R. Chalukidi, O. Tkachenko

Germany - F. Goff, T. Akst, N. Wolf

United Arab Emirates - M. Bizhanova, J. Abuova

Russia - R. Medetova, V. Narezhnaya, D. Pak, I. Baida, M. Tsybulko, E. Kolotchenkova, A. Knysh, N. Kim, E. Noskova.

But, of course, most of our graduates work in Kazakhstan.

Karlygash Aitkaliyeva - Candidate of Art Criticism, Head of the Choreography Department of V.Sh. Utemisov WKSU

Gulnar Mambetova - chief choreographer of the dance ensemble "Akku" regional philharmonic (Aktobe).

Abdrasul Yessekeyev is the artistic director of the ensemble of dance "Shalkim" of the regional philharmonic society of Astana.

Zaur Azhibekova - chief choreographer of the dance group "Kazyna» regional philharmonic (Shymkent).

Urlyaim Anarkulova is the head of Choreography Department of the Regional Social Innovation University.

Gulbanu Murzabaeva - Associate Professor, Head of the Choreography Department at Korkyt-Ata Kyzylorda State University.

Zhanna Orynbasarova is a well-known Kazakhstan pop, jazz singer

Ruslan Salpagarov is a well-known event organizer, actor, presenter.

5B040600 Specialty "Directing"

Since 2004 the reception of students for the specialty "Directing" and "Actor's Art" has begun. In 2008, on the orders of the Rector of M. Auezov SKSU was created Department "Directing and acting". The senior lecturer Saparov I.S. was elected as the head of the department.

Since 2009, the department was headed by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Mukhamedin M.М.

Since 2012, the department was headed by a graduate of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences T.U. Kashaganova.

In 2015, the department "Choreography" and "Directing and acting art" in the faculty of "Pedagogy and Culture" were united into a single chair "Oner".

Currently, the department conducts training in the following specialties: 5В040900 - "Choreography" Bachelor of Arts. And also since 2017 the recruitment for a master's degree in the specialty 6M040900 - "Choreography", on the profile and scientific and pedagogical direction for 1, 1.5 and 2 years of study is conducted. Upon graduation, the Master of Arts degree is awarded. 5В040600 - "Directing" specialization: "Directing mass shows and show programs" and "Director of the Dramatic Theater." The term of study is 5 years.

Scope of future specialists:

- Theaters, creative centers, television studios, film studios, cultural institutions and secondary special educational institutions, mass media.

- Director of state and private cultural institutions.

- Head and Methodist of cultural institutions.

The faculty of the department takes an active part in international, regional, republican scientific-methodological, scientific and practical conferences.

Teachers-directors conduct the most various actions in the regional, city, university scales, render the practical and methodical help in theatricalized mass representations and show programs.

Creative links

To enhance the pedagogical directing and acting skills of the professors of the specialty and students were invited: Turankulova D.T., Academician, Honored Worker of the RK, Kazakh National Academy of Arts, T. Zhurgenova, Candidate of Philology of A.Kadir Sh.G. Galiev Tashkent State Institute of Culture, Kakhharov E.O. honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor of the State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan, F. Akhmedov, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of A.Kadir Tashkent State Institute Culture.


В027-Theatrical art


Teaching directing art requires the teacher to have wide knowledge in various branches and genres of art.

Educational programs are built on the relationship between theory and practice, which in modern conditions is required for mastering the profession. A carefully planned schedule includes lectures, courses, practical exercises and process of directing.

From the first days of training, students are involved in a variety of practical works - from the creation of a script to the creation of drama production and mass show programs. This engagement strategy was made possible by the fact that the teaching staff of the specialty are the "actors" of the university: directors, screenwriters, producers, operators, sound producers, production directors, creators of television formats.

Great importance is attached also to the principle of intersubject communications, the exchange of educational information, the combination of special subjects with pedagogy and the psychology of creativity.

The future teacher - director, representing our country abroad, can not do without studying foreign languages. In the culture of communication, in addition to the knowledge of foreign languages, includes the development of communication skills, knowledge of personality psychology and interpersonal relationships, "breaking in" this knowledge in practical classes in the training of communication and education of a sensitive culture.

Creative life

Іn recent times еhe ability to self-development and to self-realization are determining factors of the future successful professional activity. The training of students in design and creative activity is in line with the current trends in education, orienting the specialist to solve the constantly emerging creative theoretical and practical problems. The theory of self-development of the person concentrates attention in this case on the inner world of man, on the necessity of activating the processes of self-identity as a source of self-development. Along with the educational process, the role of teachers and students of the specialty, along with the educational process, is actively involved in the public life of the SKR, the city and the university, and also assist in the development of the script, the embodiment of the director's intention, are the authors and producers of cultural events held on a citywide scale:

1. "Struggle Against Corruption" - Grand Prix winner

2. Club of cheerful and resourceful "Bars" team participated in the final game of the super league Club of cheerful and resourceful -awarded a diploma

3. "Day of the theater" - a fourth-year student Danilova Liliya awarded by a letter of appreciation from the Department of Culture of South Kazakhstan.

4. International competition KVN "Zhaydarman - 2009" -2 place team of Club of cheerful and resourceful "Bars".

5. "Oner aldy-birlik" - 3rd year student Omirbek M. awarded by a letter of appreciation of Akimat of South Kazakhstan Region

6. The event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great commander Bauyrzhan Momyshuly - organized and held on the Republican scale in the Tyulkubas region.

7. To the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory theatrical performance "Glory to the people of the victor!"

8. "Zheltosan zhangyrygy" - a theatrical performance dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

9. "El Yermen Dankty" - to the opening day of the alley of the Olympic champions, etc. .


Educational work is the main factor for the development of creative abilities of students in their spare time.

In 2010 in M.Auezov SKSU at the faculty "Pedagogy and Culture" for talented young people, a theater was created - the studio "Оrken", whose head is Art Teacher Y.A. Zholdasov. The theater-studio "Orken" solemnly opened its curtain with the premiere of the play "Bizdin zhatakhananyn kyzdary".

In 2010 in the review between the collectives of theaters "Baloner" the theater "Orken" became the students of 2011 in the review became the owners of the nomination "Uzdik Rezhissura". Today, from the side of the region, the theater-studio pretends to the title "People's Theater". The collective of the theater-studio "Orken" consists of 60 students. They not only play in performances, but also organize works like: the artist-designer, the script writer, the light designer, etc.

1. E. Zholdasov play "Deserter"

2. Statement to the 75th anniversary of the playwright D.Isabekov's play "Kustar festivali"

Repertoire of the theater-studio "Orken"

1. "Bіzdіn zhatakhananyn kyzdary" (comedy) – 2010, the author and director – E.A. Zholdasov;

2. "Kueyuim bolynyzshy" (comedy) - 2010, the author and director – E.A. Zholdasov;

3. "Apke" (drama). D.Isabekov - 2010, the director – E.A. Zholdasov;

4. "Kelin keledi nemese bizdin kelin tamasha!" (Comedy) – 2011, the author and director - Е.А.Zholdasov;

5. "Bizdin zhatakhananyn zhigitteri nemese komendanttan salem khat!" (Comedy) – 2011, the author and director - Е.А.Zholdasov;

6. "Shatyr Astyndagy ekeu" (comedy drama) - 2011, the author and director – E.A. Zholdasov;

7. "Microscope" V. Shukshin (comedy) - 2010, director – E.A. Zholdasov;

8. "Kyzdarlar VS baldarlar" (theatrical concert show) - 2011, director - D.Tyrdymatov

9. "SPID - zaman Kasirety!" (Theatrical production) – 2010, directors - B.Sadykhbekov, E.Zholdasov;

10. "Gashyktar mekeni" (dramatized production) - 2010, directors- U.Bizhanov, E.Zholdasov

11. "Omir ormanynda adaskandar" (theatrical production) - 2011, directors - I.Bulekhanova, E.Zholdasov;

12. "Zhumaktyn kilti zhanynda. Ata-ana kadiri"(theatrical production) - 2011, directors- M. Alibzhanova, E. Zholdasov;

13. "Mahabbatim mangilik!" (theatrical production) – 2011, director - R. Altynbekov, E. Zholdasov;

14. "Aktalmai kalgan bir umit" (theatrical production) - 2011, directors - A. Aitmahamed, E. Zholdasov;

15. "Zhubailar shattigi" (theatrical production) - 2012, directors - B. Nyrymov, E.Zholdasov;

16. "Eles" (drama) S.Dyube. - 2013.

17. "Kunakhar" (psychological thriller) N.Shyamalan - 2013.

18. "Matriarkhat" (comedy). E.Zholdasov - 2013.

19. "Baktashi" (drama). E.Zholdasov - 2014.

20. "Kim" (psychological thriller). A.Kashyap. - 2014.

21. "Bazha tatu bolsa" (comedy). E.Zholdasov. - 2014.

22. "Zhuldyzdar sonip baradi" (Historical drama) E.Zholdasov - 2012.

23. "Mahabbat turaly anyz" (drama), N. Hikmet. - 2013.

24. “Rukhaniyat koktemi” (theatrical production) - 2011.

25. "Tor ishindegi adamdar" (drama). E.Zholdasov - 2013.

26. "Adaskandar" (thriller) A. Kashyap. - 2015.

27. "Tynyshtyk kuzetshisi" (drama). D.Isabekov - 2015.

28. "Zhumaktyn kilti zhanynda" (drama) E.Zholdasov - 2016.

29. "Dezertir" (psychological drama) E.Zholdasov - 2017.


In 2012, the teachers of the department participated in the city competition of children's and youth theater groups: "Bal oner" – senior teacher Saparov I.S. and Zholdasov E.A. were awarded with diplomas in the nomination "Best Direction", also in the theatrical contest "Bal oner", (Shymkent), the student theater of the department "Orken" received the title of laureate.

In 2015 students of the specialty took part in the Republican festival of the youth theater "Balausa-2016" (Aktobe) and were awarded the nomination "Best Male Classical Image" and "Best Supporting Actor".

In 2017 On November 9, students of the specialty "Directing" organized and conducted a dedication to the specialization.


All courses of the specialty "Directing" participated in the mass events and were involved. The most important surprise for the students of the specialty was the delivery of T-shirts with the inscription of the direction.

Student life

About 10 students of the department were awarded diplomas and certificates for achievement in the SRWS. Also, students of the specialty "Directing" annually participate in the Republican competition of research work. Teaching stuff of specialty has published about 50 methodological recommendations.

In 2016 Participation in the subject Olympiad in the T. Zhurgenov KAZAKH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARTS with the production of Mark Twain "Tom Soierdyn basynan keshken okigalar", and S.Adambekova "Bizdin uidyn zhuldyzdary" and became the owners of the third place.


In 2014 at the department on the initiative of senior teacher E.A. Zholdasov was created a project at the Republican level "Kino Art". The Amateur Film Directors Festival "Kino Art" is held annually. The festival consists of 3 qualifying rounds, literacy script writing, the fulfillment of certain requirements and the quality of the short film.


Students and teachers from all cities of the republic take part in the festival.

Grand Prix winners at the festival "Kino-Art":

- in 2014 the student of the group PIK-09-8k D.Turdimatov

- in 2015 the student of the group PIK-10-8K N. Adilkhanov

- in 2016 the student of the group Peak-12-8k А.Abdikariyev

- in 2017 the student of the group PIK-13-8k U. Kazybek

Passage of practice


The specialty of "Directing" concluded agreements on the establishment of UNPK. UNPK-educational-research and production complex. UNPK of the university and the basic enterprise (organization, institution, industry) are established to coordinate their joint activities in training specialists in order to improve the effectiveness of educational and research work, to test and use the results of scientific research, to organize the upgrading of the employees and teachers as a form integration of education, science and production. The management of UNPK includes representatives of the university and the basic enterprise.

Students of the program are practicing in various organizations of the city, the region, as well as on the bases of the UNPK, including:

1. Zh. Shanin Regional Academic Kazakh Drama Theater

2. The regional center of the school olympiad

3. Establishment "Ontustik circus"

4. City Center for Childhood and Youth

5. "Center for Youth Resources" Astana city

6. Concert Hall "Turkestan"

The practice bases correspond to the profile of the educational program, the experienced teachers of the department and representatives of organizations are appointed as the leaders of the practices. The organization of professional practice provides for preliminary consultations, familiarity with the base of practice, identification of managers of practice, participation in the work of the practice base, preparation of accounting documentation. The results of the professional practice are considered at the meetings of the special commission created by the decree of the head of the department, reflected in the minutes, practice diaries, reviews of the practitioners, in the statements and student's record books. The direct participation of students in the life of the organization allows you to consolidate practical skills that meet the qualification requirements of a pedagogical specialist. Staying in a professional environment, first of all students master the method of organizing abilities. Leading teachers of the department developed programs of practices, educational and methodological recommendations for the organization of professional practice.


Our graduates

"Our graduates work in universities, cultural institutions and theaters of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Graduates work at the department "Directing":

Zholdasov E. - teacher-director.

Amanbaev E.- teacher-director.

Rayymbek Sh. - teacher-director.

Dzhukeyeva B.A. - Master - Teacher

Omirbek M.N. - master-teacher        

Shikirtaev BB- teacher-director

At the department "Cultural and leisure work" of the faculty of pedagogy and culture:

Alzhanova B. – Senior teacher

Ormoldaeva M. - Senior teacher

In Zh. Shanin regional drama theater:

Yessenov J. - sound engineer

Shymyrkulova B. - head of the troupe

Zhumagulov K. - the main artist

Alzhanova B. - make-up artist.

In the regional Russian Drama Theater:

Shevchenko N. - director of the regional Russian Drama Theater.

Komarov A. - actor of the theater.

Pushkarev S. - actor of the theater.


Bazarbaeva U.-actress of K.Dzhandarbekov Dzhetysay Drama Theater.

Muytova A. - actress of the Aktobe Drama Theater.

Narymbetova G. - assistant director of the regional theater (Shymkent).

Abdesh A. - "Zhaydarman" director (Shymkent).

Serikbayev D. - Chief specialist of the Regional Department of Culture.

Tazhmakov E. - Methodist of OCSTS (Shymkent).

Esenov G. - soloist of Sh.Kaldayakova Regional Philharmonic Society. (Shymkent city).

Tahatov E. - Methodist of OCSTS (Shymkent).

Dinakhov K. - director of the center "Olympics" at the regional department of the center of education.

M.Meyrbekova - the head of the library of the TV channel "Kazakhstan - Shymkent".

Seitalieva A. - Methodist of the Dzhetysay Department of Culture.

Baimakhanova L. - director Ordabasi RDK.

Danilova L. - actress of the Russian Drama Theater

Kornyakov S. - journalist of TC “Otyrar" “7-channel"

Tulepbergenova D. - journalist of TC "KTK"

  1. Amirtaev. - journalist of TC "Aigak", etc.


On January 13, 2021, a short film “Tynys” was released on the Khabar TV channel. The film, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence, shows the hard work of the workers of the Shymkent oxygen plant during a pandemic. Screenwriter B. Kelibaev. Director S. Balashov and 4th year student of the faculty of "Directing" T. Shaydullin. In addition to famous actors, students of the MC-17-8k group N. Usen, D. Mizami, T. Shaydullin, B. Seidaly played well in the film.


Tlekenov Zhenis Utepbergenovich, a 3rd year student of the MC-18-8k group with a degree in Directing, took part in the republican competition "Best student of the year" for the development of state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan. 2020 - the way to the future ”and was awarded the 1st degree diploma.


“Shymkent is an ancient city with a 2200-year history. It is a great honor for us that this historic city has become the cultural capital of the CIS. At the same time, UNESCO officially announced that this year the history of our city will be at least 2,200 years old. On November 21, 2020 in Shymkent, students of the 1st and 2nd year of the specialty "Directing" M. Auezov, who demonstrated their creative talents.


On May 7, 2021, at 17.00, a seminar was held between the Department of "Art" of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov and the Nukus branch of the Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture to enhance academic mobility. The seminar was attended by the head of the department "Art", candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Tleubaeva BS, senior lecturer of the department Zholdasov E.A. with special themes. Tleubaeva B.S. "The main issues in the process of academic mobility of students", Zholdasov E.A. He touched upon the topic "Problems of correct education of young people in modern theater and cinema." Also, qualified specialists of the Nukus branch of professors Ayapov A.T., Urazymbetov L.T., Ismailova M. and others made reports on art, theater and cinema. The seminar was attended by students from both universities.


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