Decorative arts and design

Bolysbaev Daulethan Seytmahanovich

Head of the Department,

the candidate of philosophy sciences, the senior teacher




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►Teachers' staff

План корректирующих действий


The history of the formation and development of the Department of "Fine Arts and Design".

Since 1969, the Chimkent Pedagogical Institute has been training teachers of fine arts and drawing for secondary schools. The Department of Fine Arts and Drawing, established at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, was headed by senior lecturer E. M. Kan. The first teachers were L. P. Pavlovsky, L. F. Zhilyakova.

During the formation of the department, qualified specialists from well-known art educational institutions of the Union and the Republic were invited. Among them were Skorodin Yu. I., Pochukaeva Z. V., Lomakin Yu. I., Khalmuratov Zh. I., Tastemirov K. T., Savostina L. M., etc. Also such teachers as Eralin K. E., Zagorodenko Yu. I., Nikonov G. V., the first graduates of the department were left for service.

Due to the increase in the student body, it was transformed into the Faculty of "Art, Painting and Graphics", consisting of three departments. The faculty was headed by senior lecturer Kadeev I. U. Doctors of Pedagogical Sciences, professors Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences: Pavlovsky A. L., Aidosov A., etc.

The department was established in 1993 as part of the Institute of "Physical Education and Sport", and during the subsequent reorganization-as part of the South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute, now part of the Institute of Pedagogical Culture and Art of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov.

In 1996, in connection with the structural changes of the university, the Department of Drawing and Painting was created as part of the natural-pedagogical Faculty of the SKSU named after M. Auezov, in which teachers of fine arts and drawing began training in this educational institution. In the first years, the department was headed by Ph. D., Associate Professor Pavlovsky A. L. From 1999 to 2004, the department was headed by Ph. D., Professor Eralin K. E., since 2004, Ph. D., Associate Professor Beisenbayev S. K.

By order of the rector No. 880-L, approved on 29.09.05, the Department of "Drawing and Painting" is divided into the departments of "Painting and design" and"Fine art and drawing". At the Department of " Fine Arts and Drawing "on the basis of full-time and part-time education in the specialties 050107 "Fine Arts and Drawing", bachelor's degree, training of specialists in the master's degree in the specialty 6N0107 "Fine Arts and Drawing".

Since 2005, the Department of "Design and Decorative Art" trains personnel in three specialties: 5b042100 - " Design, 5B041700-Bachelor of Decorative Art, as well as masters in the specialties 6m042100 – Design, 6m041400 – Graphics. The heads of the departments were Ph. D., Associate Professor Beisenbayev S. K., Ph. D., Associate Professor Tanirbergenov M. Zh. Ph. D. Dzhakipbekova M. Zh., Ph. D. Burkitbayev T. S., Ph. D. Zholdasbekova K. A., Ph. D. Associate Professor, member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bolysbayev D. S.

Since September 2015, the Department of Fine Arts and Drawing and the Department of Design and Decorative Arts have been merged and renamed the Department of Fine Arts and Design.

The department is equipped with well-equipped classrooms that meet all the requirements, sewing and jewelry workshops and computers equipped with modern programs, and has a rich supply of nature.

Teachers and students of the department regularly take part in exhibitions and hone their creative abilities. The department has an art gallery "Zhetiasar".

Currently, 29 teachers are engaged in scientific and educational work at the department. Of these, 2 doctors of pedagogical Sciences, 1 professor, 5 candidates of pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, 1 cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 members of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 10 members of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 12 masters, 17 senior teachers and 7 students.

The teaching staff of the department in the scientific direction constantly participates in scientific – practical and methodological conferences.

In order to improve its work, the Department works in close cooperation with the leading universities of the republic, Russia and Uzbekistan, expanding ties with art and graphic faculties.

The educational program is implemented in accordance with the mission of the University of implementation "Design" and includes the training of competitive specialists of a new formation with fundamental knowledge, innovative approaches, research skills for scientific, educational, professional and practical activities in the field of design, fine arts, decorative arts and painting.

The Department trains specialists in the following educational programs:

Educational program 6b02170-fashion design

We train designers who have formed an aesthetic taste with high design skills.

Territory of activity:

- Production of models of casual and special clothing;

- Group types of sewing products;

- Makes accessories;

- Manufacture of textile products;

Designing stage costumes;

- Engage in creative work;

- Teacher in art schools and art schools, higher and special educational institutions;

- Designer of workwear in fashion salons, sewing workshops;

- Seamstress in fashion salons;

- Head of aesthetic cycle circles in extracurricular institutions.

6B02171-secondary vocational education program

We train designers with high design skills, formed aesthetic taste. They can also perform pedagogical activities based on lectures on psychology and pedagogy.

Territory of activity:

- Designer-interior designer of game health and sports palaces;

- Exhibition and trade expositions;

- Convocation;

- Design of private homes and offices;

- Decoration of restaurants, palaces of culture;



Educational program 6b02160-decorative arts

Territory of activity:

Production facilities for the production of artistic products for the objects of professional activity of the bachelor.

- Jeweler-designer of precious metals and stones;

- Master manufacturer of art crafts products;

- Heads of creative workshops and studios;

- Designers of agencies and firms;

- Art college, teacher in schools


6B01131-visual arts, art work, graphics and design educational program

Works as a teacher of fine arts, art work, graphics and design


Educational program of specialty 6B02140-Painting

Works as a creative painter


Educational program 6b02150-Graphics

The department trains masters in the following specialties:




7M01430-Fine arts and drawing


On 03.02.2016, a personal exhibition of the work of Anuarbek Nurmakhanovich Aidosov, a member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Department of Fine Arts and Design of the SKSU named after M. Auezov, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the anniversary date, was held.


Bolysbayev Daulet Seitmakhanovich Ph. D., member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2016-2017 academic year became the "best university teacher" of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016).

Within the framework of the Rukhani zhangyru program, for the first time in the gallery "Zhetiasar" of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, the exhibition "student exhibition - 2017" was held, which was attended by students of the group KSK-15-10k specialty "painting", as well as students of the groups KSK-15-10k, Saidulla Ulzhan, Abdikerim Saltanat, Serikzhan. The head of the exhibition is Professor of the Department of "Fine Arts and Design" Aidosov A.


Teaching staff of the department

The department has 2 doctors of Science, 1 professor,5 candidates of pedagogical sciences , 1 cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 holder of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak".

Teachers of the department take an active part in all exhibitions held on the scale of the city, the region and the Republic, the university.




Educational and methodological work

Teachers of the department are actively working to provide educational materials for educational programs developed at the department. Educational and methodological literature prepared by teachers of the department

Bolysbaev D. S. Decorative painting. 2019, Bolysbayev D. S., Saynanov B. thematic painting. 2019. Bolysbayev D. S., Ibraimova P. T. Easel painting. Printing house of SKSU. Shymkent 2019, Torebaev B. P. Tsvetovedenie. Training manual. Printing house of SKSU. Shymkent 2020

Kunzhigitov G. B. Monograph. Conseptualanalisisos the fise arts of independeniKazakhstanin the light of its etnic identity. 2021, Agadilova Zh. M., Kunzhigitova G. B., Aydosov A. Design basics. Textbook. "Evero", Almaty 2020, Bolysbayev D. S., Dzhartybayeva Zh. D. " sculptural art "Shymkent, educational printing house 2021, Saynanov B., A. "academic drawing". Shymkent, educational printing house 2020, Dairabayeva G. I. "Materials Science-1". Shymkent, educational printing house 2020, Sarsen A.D. "Designing theme parks". Shymkent, educational printing house 2020 Mironova T. G., Zholdasbekova K. A. "Environment Design" by discipline»Design of medium-sized objects-1,2". Shymkent, educational printing house 2021, Ospanov D. M. "Design of the environment" in the discipline»Typology of graphic design".Shymkent, educational printing house 2020, Ibragimova L. T. "elements and trends of professional design".Shymkent, educational printing house 2020, Abuova M. A. "Image and style". Shymkent, educational printing house 2020, Buribekov O. S. Shymkent, educational printing house 2020.

Academic mobility


There are agreements on mutual cooperation in the provision of educational services.

For the 2018-2019 academic year

1) Kural Altyn Serikkyzy, a 2nd-year student of the KSK-17-13k2 group studying on the basis of a state educational grant in the specialty 5b042100-Design, completed academic mobility in the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year from January 21 to May 31, 2019 on the basis of mutual knowledge exchange between universities of the Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov (Kokshetau) for additional education under the program of internal academic mobility.

2) a student on the basis of a state educational grant in the specialty 5b010700-Fine arts, a 3rd-year student of the KSK-16-2k group Tolenbay Tursynay Alibekovna in the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year from January 21 to May 31, 2019, passed academic mobility at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yasavi (Turkestan) on the basis of mutual knowledge exchange between higher educational institutions.

3) Kurbanova Kuralai Yessirkepovna, a 3rd-year student of the KSK-16-2k group studying on the basis of a state educational grant in the specialty 5b010700-Fine Arts, completed academic mobility in the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year from January 21 to May 31, 2019 to receive additional education under the internal academic mobility program at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yasavi (Turkestan) on the basis of mutual knowledge exchange between universities.

4) Zhandabayeva Zhansaya Medetovna, a 3rd-year student of the KSK-16-2k group studying on the basis of a state educational grant in the specialty 5b010700-Fine Arts, completed academic mobility in the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year from January 21 to May 31, 2019 on the basis of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yasavi (Turkestan) for additional education under the internal academic mobility program.

5) a student on the basis of a state educational grant in the specialty 5b010700-Fine arts, a 3rd-year student of the KSK-16-2k group, Ordakovna Kasymkhan Kyrmyzy, passed academic mobility in the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year from January 21 to May 31, 2019 on the basis of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yasavi (Turkestan) on the basis of mutual knowledge exchange between higher educational institutions.

2019-2020 academic year

1) Tusenbekova Akerke Erkinovna, a 2nd-year student of the KSK-18-13k1 group studying on the basis of a state educational grant in the specialty 5b042100-Design, completed academic mobility in the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year from January 20 to May 31, 2020, sent to the Almaty Technological University (Almaty) to receive additional education under the internal academic mobility program based on mutual knowledge exchange between universities.

2) MS-15-13k4 Abyzbek Dana, MS-15-13k3 Raisova Laura, MS-15-13k3 Anurabek Arailym, MS-15-13k1 Meirman Dina, MC-15-13k1 Kenesbek Gainizhamal, MS-15-13k1 Tole Birganym, MS-16-11k Ruzhykbay Erlan, MS-16-11k Muhammad Kadyr, MS-15-students of group 10k Seidulla Ulzhan, MS-15-10k zilkhan Rena, MS-15-10k Serikzhan Zhalyn, MS-15-10k Abdikerim Saltanat "auezov International Summer University-2020" "system thinking and data analysis.Information visualization on the topic "shkoladan".


2020-2021 academic year

1) A student of the MS-19-13p1 group majoring in 6b02170 fashion design Myrzakhmet Luiza took 90 academic hour courses "Auezov International Winter University-2021 ""Smart Textile & Design"from February 1 to 12. I received a certificate. two thousand twenty one

2) Aida, a student of the specialty Design of the environment 6B02171, group MS-19-12k, from February 1 to 12, passed 90 academic hour courses "Auezov International Winter University-2021 ""Smart Textile & Design" and received a certificate. two thousand twenty one


Student life

Students make reports on their scientific work at the annual student scientific conferences, subject Olympiads and competitions of the university's research institutes and are published in scientific journals.


2nd year student of the specialty "painting" Zhumabayev M. M. became the winner of the competition "Student Of The Year - 2019" held at the University in the nomination "young poet


XI Republican Subject Olympiad.

On 27-30.03. 2019, the XI Republican Student Subject Olympiad among universities was held at the T. Zhurgenov National Academy of Arts in Almaty. Students of the specialty "Fashion Design" under the guidance of teachers Dairabayeva G., Kenzhebayeva A., Ibragimova L. took part in the discipline "Costume Design". Ordabek Assel was awarded a diploma of the II degree. Students of the specialty" decorative art "Burkitbay Saltanat, Zholdasova Akniet were awarded a diploma of the III degree in the specialization "artistic processing of metal and other materials". The head Ospanov Darkhan was awarded a certificate.


The Association of the national movement "Bobek "organized the competition of the Commonwealth of Independent States" Best Student 2019". Students of the specialty "Painting" of the Department of Fine Arts and Design of the SKSU named after M. Auezov Alen Aishabiibi and Baytas Maira were awarded medals and diplomas of the II degree and were included in the collection of 1 book " international encyclopedia of talented youth



Congratulations to Mengliev Mukhammad, a student of the KSK-15-13k3 group of the Department of Fine Arts and Design of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture of the M. Auezov Educational Institution, who won the 1st place at the Open Championship of SSHOR No. 2 in Kyokushin-kan karate among children, teenagers, youth and girls in 2020 in Kyzylorda.


In 2021, the XIII Republican Student Subject Olympiad among higher Educational Institutions was held at the National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov in Almaty. Students of the specialty" Fashion Design "under the guidance of teachers of the Department" Fine Arts and Design "Abuova M. took part in the discipline "Costume Design". III-degree . Students of the specialty "decorative art" Opabek S. Daulybay U. were awarded diplomas of the II and III degrees in the specialty "jewelry". Head Ospanov Darkhan and Ospanov Talgat



The course of practical training by students

6B01431 - "visual art, artistic work, graphics and design" - by OPOP: A. Askarov. Shymkent State Arboretum, Kazgurt Secondary school No. 66, Secondary school No. 69

Specialty 5b041300-painting and specialty 6B02140-painting: named after A. Askarov. Shymkent State Arboretum, SP " Altyn-Orda»,

Specialties 5b042100 "Design" and 5B042100 - "fashion design" - according to the OPOP: A. Askarov. Shymkent State Arboretum, SP Shirshikbayeva Ata "Aliya", Salon of decorative paints "ELIANTO" SP Romanenko D. A., SP "Bereke", fashion house "Jappa Eltanova", "saukele Fashion", LLP "Alliance" garment factory

Specialties 5b042100 "Design" and 6B02171 "Environment design" - according to the OPOP: A. Askarov. Shymkent State Arboretum, advertising agency" Alliance", LLP International School of Design and Programming, advertising agency "Egpias" media group, Advertising Agency IP Ibareva,

Specialty 5b041400 - "Graphics" and according to OP 6B02150: named after A. Askarov. Shymkent State Arboretum," Sak Dala " film studio"

Specialty 5b041700 - "decorative art" and according to OP 6B02160: named after A. Askarov. Shymkent State Arboretum, SP " Altyn-Orda»

All the work of students in six specialties and educational programs was completed. Each student completed the tasks assigned to him and submitted reports to the department. In addition, all groups completed and prepared a report on the work done at the base.

During the practice, there were no comments on violations or violations of fire safety measures. From the BAZ side, the students were complimented and asked to come to practice in the future.

At these bases, students worked in accordance with their specialties and improved their creativity.


Our achievements

Innovative teaching methods are used in the educational process: virtual laboratory work, electronic textbooks, video clips, business games. All this significantly improves the quality of knowledge and the degree of assimilation of the material for students and undergraduates.

The teachers of the department are the holders of the grant of the best teacher of the university:

- Ph. D. Associate Professor S. K. Beisenbayev - winner of the grant "Best University Teacher" (2014)

- PhD Professor Tanirbergenov M. Zh - winner of the grant "Best University teacher" (2012).

- Ph. D. Associate Professor K. A. Zholdasbekova - winner of the grant "Best University Teacher" (2014).

- Philos.k. n. associate professor Bolysbayev D. C - winner of the "Best University Teacher" grant (2016).

- Master's degree, senior lecturer of Rsmakhanbetova Sh. E. winner of the Presidential Scholarship "Bolashak". 2013-interned at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts.

At the end of each academic year, teachers became winners in various categories:

- teacher Akadilova Zh. M.-The best teacher of SKSU in the 2016-2017 academic year;

- Senior teacher Torebaev B. P.-The best senior teacher of SKSU in the 2016-2017 academic year;

- teacher Akadilova Zh. M.-The best teacher of SKSU in the 2017-2018 academic year;

- teacher Ospanov D.-The best teacher of SKSU in the 2019-2020 academic year-2019

For the 2018-2019 academic year

Senior lecturer of the department Torebaev B. P. passed advanced training in the field of science at the National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. two thousand nineteen

1. The newspaper "Egemen Kazakhstan" No. 243 published an article by Bolysbayev D. 


Scientific life

Teaching staff of the Department of B-16-12-06 "modernization of the system of professional training of students in the field of art". it works on state budget issues. Head of the topic Ph. D., Associate Professor Zholdasbekova K. A. teachers of the department are the authors of more than 50 textbooks and manuals, more than 20 electronic textbooks, 10 electronic textbooks, 2 monographs and other scientific and methodological materials. More than 20 copyright certificates for intellectual property rights have been obtained. Scientific articles of the teaching staff of the department are published in highly rated publications, journals of the KKSN, publications of the RSCI, at international and national scientific and practical conferences.

Career guidance

In the 2020-2021 academic year, the Department will train specialists in 6 specialties: 6B02170-"Moa design", 6B02171-"Environment Design", 6B02160-"MOA art", 6B02140-"painting", 6B01431-"visual art, art work, graphics and design", 6B02150-"Graphics", as well as 7m02170-"design", 7m0215-training of specialists in the master's degree in"graphics", 6m02140-"painting", 6m01430-"fine art and drawing". The educational and material base of the department includes building No. 8, located at the address: ul. Tazhibaeva, 2 108, 400, 402, 405, 406, 200, 307, 303, 409, 509, 511, 13, 14, 15, 16 in the audience.



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