


Faculty of sports and tourism




The Faculty of "pedagogy and culture" consists of 6 departments that train bachelors, masters in the field of Education, Physical Culture and NVP, as well as international tourism and service.

The scientific potential of the Departments of the faculty is very high, the degree is 30.1%. The Departments of the faculty employ 103 Teachers, 7 doctors and professors of science, 15 candidates of Science and 42 Masters.

Research is conducted in accordance with the thematic plan of the University on 6 state budget topics:

1. research topic of research activities of the teaching staff of the Department "Tmfkinvp"-21-09-12 "scientific aspects of a personality-oriented approach to professional training of a future physical education teacher in the system of higher professional education" corresponds to the strategic plan of the University Research Institute for 2021-2025, approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Department No. 3 dated 21.11.20.N., professor-Esaliyev A. A.


2.the plan of research work of the teaching staff of the Department" physical culture for specialties of the EUA " has been approved. The main goal is to involve teachers and students of the department in research work, improve the relationship between research work and the educational process.

At the Department of" Physical Culture for specialties of Eua", research work is carried out in an effective system.

B-21-07-12 Address of the head of state Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan-2020 "Kazakhstan in the new conditions: period of validity:" methods of attracting young people to physical culture and sports " (approved in December 2020).


3. topic of research activity of the teaching staff of the Department "sports disciplines and martial arts" GB-21-09-12 head of the topic" scientific aspects of a personality-oriented approach to professional training of a future physical education teacher in the system of higher professional education": Erepbayev N. K.-candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department, performers: candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Bidanov D., associate professor Kilibaev A. A.

4. since January 2021, the research work of the Department "physical education for humanitarian and pedagogical specialties" has been carried out in accordance with the state budget theme of the state research and Development Program-21-94-12 "formation of a pedagogical culture of communication of future physical education teachers". Scientific supervisor: candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M. K. Mambetov


5. the topic of research activity of the teaching staff of the Department" physical culture for technical specialties "B-21-07-12 Address of the head of state Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan-2020" Kazakhstan in the new conditions:" methods of attracting young people to physical culture and sports "stage of action" (approved in December 2020).


6. research topic of research activities of the teaching staff of the department "International Tourism and service" -21-04-09 "innovative development of territorial tourist and recreational systems of the Republic of Kazakhstan" corresponds to the strategic plan of the university research and development for 2021-2025, approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Department No. 5 on 21.12. 2020


The number of scientific publications of teaching staff is increasing, their participation in prestigious international scientific conferences. The scientific developments of the teaching staff of the departments are actively introduced into the educational process. In 2017, the Faculty of faculty Kafer was published:

During the calendar year 2017, the teaching staff of the Departments of the faculty was announced:

Total: 351 jobs, including:

Monograph-4 (2 of them were published in the far abroad)


Teaching aids-6

Scientific articles: 351

Total in magazines: 109

- in magazines with an impact factor-30

-In journals approved by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan-18

- in other magazines-33

Conference proceedings. Total: 264

- in the collection of international conferences abroad-35

- in the collection of international conferences in the near abroad-22

-In the collection of international conferences in the Republic of Kazakhstan-131

- in the collections of national and regional conferences-71

- others-15

Publications for 1 teaching staff: number-1.97, volume-1.01 P. L.


The teaching staff of the Departments of the faculty took part in prestigious international conferences and scientific forums.


In the calendar year 2022, the faculty received 22 acts of introduction into production, 21 acts of introduction into the educational process.

During the 2022 calendar year, the teaching staff of the Department of the faculty Published 4 monographs.

1.topic: monograph" integration of spiritual and physical education in the process of personal and entrepreneurial development of future teachers". Authors: associate professor, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, A. K. Demeuov."I Don't Know," He Said. A. B. Baiseitova. ISBN978-601-08-19115

2. topic: theoretical and practical problems of ensuring the personal posture of a future specialist in the training of a Physical Culture teacher. Authors: associate professor, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, A. K. Demeuov. I. B. Aliyev. I. T. Mustafaev. G. S. Biltebayeva ISBN978-601-08-1913-9

3. topic: formation of the protection of the development of the science of teachers of the future education in the context of the updated educational environment. Authors: associate professor, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, A. K. Demeuov. the results of the research. G. N. Altaeva."I Don't Know," He Said.

4. Seidakhmetov M. K., Yessenova A. E. hotel room service


Popularization of research results through Republican and regional newspapers, television channels, popular scientific lectures and Career Guidance work (FM radio, RTRK"Kazakhstan", TC "Kazakhstan-Shymkent", national daily newspaper "kazakstanskaya Pravda", Republican newspapers "Aigak", "Zhanub zharchilari", regional newspapers "South Kazakhstan", "South Kazakhstan", "Zhanubiy Kozogiston", etc.).


Letter of Acceptance AJIS 2024-DK

The article was published in the Journal of academic Interdisciplinary Research (Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies) after passing the double-blind review procedure

and accepted for publication in the 13th issue of July 4, 2024. You can access the online journal

on the link:

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