Round table: «125 years old to the founder of the national theater, director, playwright Zh. Shanin»
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10/20/2017 in the Center of customs and rites of Shymkent a round table was held on the ethnographic value of the works of Zh. Shanin «125 years old to the founder of the national theater, director, playwright Zh. Shanin». The round table was attended by 1 st year students of the PIK-17-15-2k1 group, PIK-17-15-2k2 of the department «Cultural and social activity» of the faculty «Pedagogy and Culture» of the UKGU named after Yu. M. Auezov and students of the 11th form of secondary school No. 88.
The round table was held by the director of the Center of Customs and Rites, ZhanibekAbdanbekuly. A video about Zh. Shanin's life was shown. Then the honored actor of the Republic of Kazakhstan SaparUtemisov, the cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the actor MazhitAliaskar, the cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the playwright SayaKasymbek and the Ph.D. M.AuezovaKamalova N.K. shared with participants memories of Zh. Shanin.
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