Congratulation! Prize-winning place for students of the specialty 5B011400-History at the 10th Republican subject Olympiad
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- Hits: 217
Students of the 1-3 courses of the specialty 5B011400 - History under the guidance of associate professor, candidate of historical sciences, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor of the department "General history and museum business" - AshimZhantorKayratovuly (captain of the team, gr.PIK-15-3k), AnarovZakirZukurovich , MinkanNursauleAkylbekovna (PIK-16-3K), YershoraMadinaNuralievna and AbdykarimTotaNuranovna as a member of the team "Eli DalaKuridari" took the III place at the X-th Republican subject Olympiad held in the specialty 5B020800 - Archeology and Ethnology in the Kazakh National University rsitete them. Al-Farabi. Congratulations!