05/25/2018 the teachers of the department «Cultural and social work» M. Saukhambaeva, M. Tutkabaev, A. Gubaidullin, headed by the head of the department S.T. Tleubayev. took part in the «Last Call» at school-gymnasium № 65 named after. S. Altynsarin Shymkent city with the framework of vocational guidance work.The teaching staff of the department met with the director, as well as with the deputy directors for educational and upbringing work, and teachers, pupils of the 11th form of school-gymnasium No. 65. Explanatory work was carried out for the graduates of the school-gymnasium about the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov, and also about the specialties of the department «Cultural and social work» - 5В090600 «Cultural and recreational work» 5В090500- «Social work» and booklets were distributed.
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