Active rest and educational excursion of students of SKSU named after M.Auezov

Our students group of PIK-16-3k on September 23, 2017, along with teachers Mirzamseitova G.E., Amanbaeva M.A., Rsimbetova Sh.A. and students of the group PIK-17-3K, PIK-17-4K, PIK-16 -4k, PIK-16-12k, specialty: «History», «Archeology», «Geography», «Museum and monument Protection» visited one of the largest and most diverse reserves in Central Asia called Aksu Zhabagly. Its excellent name was obtained through the merging of two rivers in it: Aksu and Zhabagly. Together with the guide, we walked on steep surfaces 12 kilometers, and in height we climbed as much as 1,760 meters above sea level. Despite the fatigue and the difficult path, we have reached our goal: "Kishi kayyndy", where the Talas Alatau ridges begin in the gorges of "Jetimsai". This place was remembered to us many: the stones scattered across the steppe, which seem so, that they stand there with someone's help. Rocks, which even the most inattentive person are bewitched. Exuberant, thick-green spruce and of course the Aksu-Zhabaglinsky waterfall itself, which drains down like an avalanche of snow falling down the mountain, and at the very end it begins to foam, as if somebody has poured huge shampoo packs there. And in this gorge, bears are also not uncommon, they are one of the largest species of living creatures that live in the reserve. Even noticed the tracks of the bear cub along the path, so you should be careful.

So without revealing the secular secrets of nature, on the back way we decided to go to the museum, which is located at the entrance of the reserve itself. Prior to visiting the museum, we heard a lot about nature, and how our Aksu developed the Zhabagly State Nature Reserve. In the museum, we clearly saw what we were told in class at the discipline "Local Studies". We also looked at the exposition of the museum in three halls devoted to different periods in the life of our reserve. It was especially interesting to look at the nature and topography of the protected area. Stuffed animals and birds, herbariums, took their places with glass showcases. Aksu Zhabagly reserve is rich in animals and flora, and to preserve our nature, it is necessary to protect it. During the excursion, the students of our department learned a lot of new things and got useful information. This trip gave us a lot of emotions, warm moments and a chance to see life in all its glory. Thanks to the rector Myrhalykov Zh.U., Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy E. Baikonsov, Head of the Department Otarbayeva G.K. and the rest of the organizers for this opportunity! On behalf of students and our department "General history and museums" we express our gratitude to you!



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