History of Kazakhstan - TS

Karibaev Sarsebai Uskenovitch

Candidate of historycal sciences, acting associate professor

Manager of chair    

For the correspondence: The South Kazakhstan

Street T.Tajibaev-2

Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, room 311

The case № 8, 311 studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Ksarsebay@mail.ru

Tazhmuhanova Nagima Ergalievna

Candidate of  historical sciences, docent

For the correspondence: Shymkent city,T.Tajibaev-2 street.

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan state university,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, 311 cabinet

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: NagimaT@mail.ru

Belgibai Janar Kurmanovna

Candidate of historycal sciences, acting associate professor

For the correspondence:

, street. Vatutin 2, Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv

The case № 8, 311- studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Jan_ar62@mail.ru

Joldibaev Jomart Токmirzaevitch

Candidate of historycal sciences, acting associate professor

For the correspondence:

, street. Vatutin 2, Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv

The case № 8, 311- studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Jtt1966@mail.ru

Sadikulova Saule Seidehanovna

Candidate of historycal sciences, acting associate professor

For the correspondence:

, street. Vatutin 2, Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv

The case № 8, 311- studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Saule_58@mail.ru

Muldahmetova Janar Iskandirovna

Candidate of historycal sciences, acting associate professor

For the correspondence:

, street. Vatutin 2, Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv

The case № 8, 311- studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

Junusbaev Serik Mutanovitch

Candidate of historycal sciences, acting associate professor

For the correspondence:

, street. Vatutin 2, Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv

The case № 8, 311- studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Serik_1971_10@mail.ru

Tleukulov Gaukharbek Seidualievish

Candidate of historycal sciences, acting associate professor

For the correspondence: The South Kazakhstan

Street T.Tajibaev-2

Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, room 311

The case № 8, 311 studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Tgauharbek@mail.ru

Mukasheva Ardak Onlasheva

The senior teacher

For the correspondence: Shymkent city,T.Tajibaev-2 street.

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan state university,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, 311 cabinet

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87



Mirzakulova Elmira Amangeldievna


For the correspondence:

, street. Vatutin 2, Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv

The case № 8, 311- studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

Zholseytova Magripa Azhmakhanovna

Candidate  of historical sciences, docent

For the correspondence: Shymkent city,T.Tajibaev-2 street.

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan state university,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

Building №8, 311 cabinet

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: mzholseytova@mail.ru


Rsimbetova Lazzat Amangeldievna

Candidate of the history sciences, senior teacher

For the correspondence:

, street. Vatutin 2, Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv

The case № 8, 311- studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Lazzat_1976@mail.ru

Kapbarova Gaukhar Shermukhamedovna

Master, teacher

For the correspondence: Shymkent city,T.Tajibaev-2 street.

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan state university,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, 311 cabinet

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Goha1986-01@.mail.ru

Saparbekova Botagoz Rahmatillaevna


For the correspondence:

street. Vatutin 2, Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv

The case № 8, 311- studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: 1983_botagoz@mail.ru

Dzhalilov Assan Makhmedovich

Master, teacher

For the correspondence: Shymkent city,T.Tajibaev-2 street.

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan state university,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, 311 cabinet

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Amari_dzhalilov@mail.ru

Abduhaimov Erzhan Farhadovich

Candidate of the history sciences, assistant professor to

Contact information:

body 8, 311 cabinets

Worker telephone: 8(7252) 36-71-87

E-mail:  abduxaimov@mail.ru

Abdrasilova Sabira Turehanovna


For the correspondence: The South Kazakhstan

Street T.Tajibaev-2

Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, room 311

The case № 8, 311 studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: Sabi81@mail.ru

Baijanova Alma


For the correspondence:

street. Vatutin 2, Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv

The case № 8, 311- studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 cialis prix (7252) 36-71-87


Niazbekova Moldir Sihinbaevna


For the correspondence: The South Kazakhstan

Street T.Tajibaev-2

Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, room 311

The case № 8, 311 studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: ms.niazbek@bk.ru

Таlman  Аijan Serikovnа

Master of teacher       

Contact information: building №8, 311 room

Work telephone: 8 (7252) 36-71-87 

E-mail: Talman-Ai@mail.ru  

Akhai Guljamal Nisanovna


For the correspondence: The South Kazakhstan

Street T.Tajibaev-2

Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, room 311

The case № 8, 311 studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: G-Ahai @ mail.ru

Orinbaeva Dinara Abdirashevna


For the correspondence: The South Kazakhstan

Street T.Tajibaev-2

Southern-Kazakhstan state university by him. M. Аuеzоv,

Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, room 311

The case № 8, 311 studies

Bodies: the slave. 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: d orinbaeva @ mail.ru

Sembieva Shakizat Baltabaevna

Master , senior teacher

For the correspondence: Shymkent city,T.Tajibaev-2 street.

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, Pedagogy and Culture Faculty

building №8, 311 cabinet

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: : Shahizat@list.ru


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