International tourism and service
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Yessenova Aiman Ermuhamedovna
Head of Department “International tourism and service”
c.s.s, Associate Professor
Research and teaching experience-30 years
The main building, office 435
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General information, history of the department
The Department of International Tourism and Service is a structural subdivision of the M. A. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, which is part of the Faculty of Sports and Tourism. Training bachelors is carried out in accordance with the mission of the university, is aimed at creating a modern scientific and educational environment in which the training of highly qualified personnel is carried out on the principles of integrating science, education and innovation and consists in the formation and development of the tourism sector in the Turkestan region and in the Republic of Kazakhstan, through scientific ensuring the implementation of tourism policy and creating a special layer of graduates who are aware of the complex nature and specifics of the tourism industry.
Since 2019, bachelors have been trained in educational programs 6B11110 - "Tourism" and 6B11111 - "Restaurant and hotel business" with the award of an academic degree - bachelor in services. Since 2020, training masters has been carried out with the award of an academic degree - a master in the field of services, according to the educational program EP 7M11110- "Tourism". Educational programs are formulated in accordance with the needs of society, the economy and the labor market of the Turkestan region and Kazakhstan, where recreational resources of national importance and tourism enterprises are concentrated.
The educational process of the department is based on the unity of basic knowledge about modern information technologies and the experience of vocational education. Particular attention is paid to the receipt of basic knowledge in basic and special disciplines. The teachers of the department are developing and teaching a number of applied disciplines in basic geography, economics, marketing and management of tourism, as well as the use of modern information technologies in the sale of tourism products. Much attention is paid to training and internships for mastering professional tourism skills and consolidating knowledge gained at the department. Students undergo professional practice in organizations and enterprises of tourism and hospitality.
Educational and methodical work
The main goal of educational and methodological work at the department is to create conditions conducive to improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process. Methodological work at the department is a set of measures aimed at: providing the educational process with educational and methodological complexes, improving the pedagogical skills of teachers, improving classroom and independent work of students. Every year, the teaching staff of the department publishes textbooks, teaching aids, monographs, video lectures and MOOCs.
The solution of tasks that ensure the achievement of the goals of methodological work is carried out at the department in the following forms: "educational and methodological work" aimed at improving the methodology of teaching disciplines, direct methodological support of the educational process, introducing recommendations into it developed as a result of research work, increasing pedagogical qualification of the teaching staff; "scientific and methodological work" aimed at summarizing best practices, promising development of the learning process, improving its content and teaching methods, searching for new principles, patterns, methods, forms and means of organizing and innovative technologies of the educational process; "organizational and methodological work", covers activities for the management of methodological work.
Research work
Science and international cooperation has been and remains one of the priority areas of activity and one of the main competitive advantages of the Department of International Tourism and Service.
The faculty of the department: "IT&S" of the faculty "Sport and Tourism" for the reporting period carried out certain work, which was carried out according to the thematic plan of the M. Auezov within the framework of the state order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The scientific directions of the work of the departments are related to the development and organization of innovative technologies and are aimed at fulfilling the following problem-organizational issues: increasing the efficiency of tourism development in solving socio-economic problems, promoting a healthy lifestyle; organizational, legal, resource and information support for improving tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan; improvement of the system of professional training and advanced training of personnel in the field of tourism; determination of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of adaptation and rehabilitation of the individual in modern conditions.
The theme of the research activities of the teaching staff of the department "IT&S" NIR-21-04-09 "Innovative development of territorial tourist and recreational systems of the Republic of Kazakhstan" corresponds to the Strategic Plan for Research and Development of the University for 2021-2025, approved by the minutes of the meeting of the department No. 5 dated 21.12. 2020 Supervisor: Candidate of social sciences, Associate Professor - Yessenova A.E.
The department carries out fundamental, exploratory, methodical and applied scientific research, which is an integral part of the training of specialists, organizes scientific seminars, develops the topics of research work. Particular attention is paid to the involvement of students in scientific activities, active participation in the activities of the student scientific circle "Tourist".
The main directions of scientific research of the department: problems and prospects for the development of service and tourism; hotel and restaurant business; sustainable tourism and destination competitiveness; creation, advertising and promotion of competitive tourism products and brands in the international tourism market; development of tourism infrastructure, etc. The main areas of research activities of the Department of International Tourism and Service are research in the field of tourism infrastructure and the hospitality industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the development of a system for training young scientific personnel, the development of research and business ties. The department cooperates with higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad, takes part in international scientific and practical conferences.
The department collaborates with leading tourist organizations, with organizations in the field of hotel and restaurant business of the Turkestan region and the city of Shymkent: unification of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, management of tourism and external relations of Shymkent, Hadish Hotel LLP, Shymkent Hotel, Hotel Megapolis, Sapar Standart Hotel, Silk Way Boutique Hotel, Kazyna Hotel, Hotel Dostyq-17 LLP, Business and Travel Central Asia travel agency, Jumeerah Hotel, Tuurants Tank Silki, Turants, Silk Road. Tour agency Bounty Tour, travel agency GSM Travel, travel agency Delux Group & CO, Tour agency al-Rapi, travel agency "Saya Travel", travel agency "Saya Travel", Rustobar "Royalrose", Restobar Restaurant "Eilin", restaurant "Karavay Shymkent", in which students undergo educational, industrial and pre -diploma practice by acquiring practical skills.
For the same purpose, the development of practical skills among students with the simultaneous development of creative potential and awareness of the social significance of the future profession, during the study, additional measures are also organized, such as the organization of tours of various orientations and the organization of measures aimed at the preservation of cultural and historical monuments and sustainable development Tourism.
Research work of students
Students take part in Republican Olympiads of various levels, as well as in international student conferences held both at the university level and at other universities with the subsequent publication of scientific papers in collections of works.
Students majoring in tourism took part in the XXVI scientific and practical conference "Healthy lifestyle and a bright future within the framework of sports and tourism", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of M. Auezov of the Faculty of Sports and Tourism of the M.Auezov SKU, which was held on November 24 and 25, 2022.
29 students and teachers of the department took part in the section "Tourism – Future of the country". According to the results of the conference, the faculty of the department and the participants identified the following students' reports and speeches, which are the best and took places of honor and were awarded diplomas.
The Department of Tourism and External Relations of Shymkent organized a competition of scientific student projects on November 21, 2022. Shymkent today has become a powerful financial, innovative, cultural center of the republic and one of the largest megacities at the stage of sustainable development of Kazakhstan. In this regard, students of the educational program "Tourism", "Restaurant and hotel business" of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University have prepared proposals for special tourism and entrepreneurial projects.
9 contestants of the EP "Tourism" and "Restaurant and hotel business" took part in the competition, among which they won prizes. The winners were awarded with diplomas and prizes.
An important factor in the quality of student training is academic mobility, which provides students to study a number of disciplines of the curriculum, internships and internships in other universities of the country and abroad, in order to integrate into the global educational process. The procedure is fixed by the standard of the University PR SMK SKSU 7.11-2012 "Organization of academic mobility of students". There are cooperation agreements with such universities as: University of Turiba (Latvia), University of Balikesir (Republic of Turkey), Upper Silesian University of Economics named after L.V. Korfantogo, Katowice (Poland), Akdeniz University (Republic of Turkey).
The Department cooperates with such universities as the University of Turiba (Latvia), the University of Balikesir (Republic of Turkey), the Upper Silesian University of Economics named after L.V. Korfantogo, Katowice (Poland), as well as in the framework of providing educational and consulting services for consultations, workshops, seminars and lectures with the University Akdeniz (Republic of Turkey).
Upon graduation, students acquire such professional competencies in the field of tourism activities as design, production and technological, organizational and managerial, service and research, which gives them the opportunity to continue to work professionally in various areas of the tourism and hospitality industry.
Academic mobility and international cooperation
Academic mobility at the university is realized through internal and external mobility, summer and winter schools. The direction of the educational policy of the department "International Tourism and Service" is implemented in the expansion of internationalization with foreign universities and organizations.
In December 2022, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow), providing for the opening of joint two-degree educational programs, academic mobility of teaching staff and students.
Lectures of the Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor of the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Tourism and Service" (Moscow) will be held for lectures of students under the educational program 6B11110-Tourism, 7M11110-Tourism, 5B090200-Tourism, 6B11111 - Restaurant and hotel business. Afanasiev O.E. is a leading specialist in the field of tourism and hospitality. Numerous publications show a high level of scientific activity, which are relevant in the field of modern tourism and hospitality. In order to expand international collaborations in the global academic and scientific space, as well as integration in international communities, the Department of International Tourism and Service establishes and maintains international relations with foreign organizations in the field of education and science.
For the purpose of professional development, exchange of experience, as well as creation of new international relations, staff of the department participate in various international events, including seminars, round tables, webinars and conferences, festivals, etc.
Within the framework of academic mobility and the "ErasmusMundus+" program, students study in the countries of the near and far abroad, as well as in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Varna University of Economics, Bulgaria, Varna). ((Turiba University, Riga, Latvia), (Yassky University A.Cuza, Romania, Iasi), Balikesir University (Republic of Turkey), Upper Silesian Economic University named after L.V. Korfantogo, Katowice (Poland), Akdeniz University (Republic of Turkey).
Foreign practice in Turkey
Special attention at the Department of "International Tourism and Service" is paid to the practice of students, this is one of the key points of education. Students have been practicing since the 1st year, thus immediately plunging into the whirlpool of the tourist and hotel industry. For the preparation of bachelors of the educational programs 6B11110-"Tourism" and 6B11111-"Restaurant and hotel business", educational, industrial, including pre-graduate practices are provided.
The places of internship are expanding annually: tourist firms and hotel enterprises of the city of Shymkent and Turkestan region, as well as students are waiting in the countries of the near and far abroad. The main bases of practices are enterprises of the hotel and tourism industry: Khadisha Hotel LLP, Industry Tourism Association of Central Asia Megapolis Hotel, GSMTravel LLP, Delux group & Co LLP,Silk Road TANK LLP, Shymkent Tourism and External Relations Department, Shymkent Tourism Center LLP, Tourist Information Center, Bounty LLP tour, "HORDE" Restobar, travel company "Aizhan Travel", "Smart Visa Service", Hotel "Aidana", travel company "ASER TOUR", LLP "Safina Tour", LLP "Malika Travel", Hotel "Duman", LLP "Golden Travel", Ramada Hotel, Prestige Tour LLP, Sairam-Ogem State National Nature Park
The purpose of professional practice is to consolidate and concretize the results of theoretical training, the acquisition by students of skills and practical work skills according to the chosen educational program and the assigned qualifications.
As part of the summer professional internship, students of the educational programs "Tourism" and Restaurant and Hotel business" are given the opportunity to gain practical experience in the best hotels in Turkey, such as the Hotel "Mahh Royal Kemer Resort" (Kemer), the Hotel "Titanic Bodrum" (Bodrum), the Hotel "Titanic Beach Lara" (Antalya), Anjeliq House Boutique Hotel" (Alanya), "Fetkhie mugla letoonia hotel" (Fetkhie). Thus, students of the above educational programs in the number of 28 people have completed international professional practice and foreign internship in these hotels.
Educational work
The department has all the conditions not only for teaching, but also for the harmonious upbringing and development of creative abilities of the student, the education of patriotism in the unity of ethical norms and aesthetic values, respect for the laws of the country, its history, the peoples living in the republic, our common cultural heritage and civil rights of the individual.
All academic groups have developed educational work plans for the new academic year, consisting of 10 directions.
The curators are working according to the approved plan. Curatorial hours are held weekly according to the schedule, protocols are filled in.
Students of the department take an active part in university events, concerts and productions. Special attention is paid to the discipline in groups and the cleanliness of classrooms. Students' academic performance is checked based on the results of the control weeks.
Every year the Department of International Tourism and Service organizes a round table in honor of the International Tourism Day.
And also, under the guidance of curators, open curatorial hours are held on the topic of "Youth against drugs", "In a healthy body, a healthy mind", etc.
The purpose of the open curatorial hours is the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the student, the development of healthy personal growth, to teach how to lead a healthy lifestyle, to protect from bad habits.
The department, using advanced educational technologies, the experience of the real sector of the economy of the region, the country, international trends in the development of the service industry, trains highly qualified specialists in the field of tourism, hotel service. As part of the training of specialists in the service sector, the department implements educational programs of higher education: "Socio-cultural service and tourism", "Tourism".
Taking into account the intensive development of the hospitality industry in the region, the university in recent years has focused on training specialists in the field of hospitality according to international standards.
Directions under the program "Rukhani zhangyru"
"Rukhani Zhangyru" is a program aimed at reviving the spiritual values of the teaching staff of the department and students, taking into account all modern risks and challenges of globalization. The Department of "International Tourism and Service" holds events during the academic year, according to this program - to strengthen the spiritual and moral values of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru", namely, curatorial hours, seminars are held. Articles are published in republican and local periodicals within the framework of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" program.
Teaching staff of the department and students took part in the Ethno-festival held by the Department of Tourism and External Relations of Shymkent on November 11, 2022, the main purpose of the event was to show traditions, our artisans, master classes, handicrafts in Kazakhstan.
A student expedition to the sacred places of southern Kazakhstan with students and faculty of the department is planned.
Career guidance work
Career guidance is an activity aimed at preparing the younger generation to consciously choose the appropriate profession of their choice. Through professional orientation, students are consciously selected in accordance with their role in the world of professions, their content, characteristics, individual qualities, and their own qualities. It is necessary to cultivate an interest in the profession being acquired.
Career guidance work is carried out in schools of Shymkent and Turkestan region. During the meeting with school graduates, our teachers give explanations about the university's educational programs, about state grants allocated for all specialties, admission rules and exam deadlines.
Career guidance provides applicants with detailed information about the educational institution. Information booklets and posters are issued for applicants.
The purpose of the graduates' employment process is to promote and obtain reliable information from employers about the quality of graduates' professional training and their career growth.
The Department of "International Tourism and Service" is working on the employment of graduates. In particular, during the passage of industrial and pre-graduate practice, students who have established themselves as an excellent future specialist receive job offers from employers after graduation.
At the Department of International Tourism and Service, as part of the employment event, job fairs are held, where graduate students meet with employers in the fields of tourism activities.
Events held for graduates: preparation of graduates' CV, distribution and delivery of graduates' CV to hotel enterprises and firms of the Shymkent tourism industry; meetings of graduates with employers; excursions to employers' facilities under construction and constructed; acquaintance of graduates with the work and organization structure of potential employers; meetings and interviews of graduates with graduates of previous years.